


Mayhem is the third of my High Power certification rockets. This rocket is an L3 certification rocket, so if it succeeds, it will hopefully give me my L3 certification. ​
Mayhem is roughly 7.5 feet tall, with a fully fiberglass airframe, and dual redundant avionics systems. I plan to install cameras in the rocket to record its flight, as well as mount SRAD team built flight computers in the nose, so that they may be flight tested before being used as a primary avionics system.

If it goes up and comes down successfully, I will get the highest Tripoli rocketry certification level you can achieve. If it fails, I have to build another and try again.



Mayhem's design is completed & has been approved by 2 TAP members. I have most of the components I need, but have yet to find the time to start building it.